sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016


Para afianzar este tema van a crear un superhéroe por cada grupo alimenticio. Este superhéroe va a tener unas pócimas (nutrientes que contiene) que le van a ayudar a poder llevar a cabo sus poderes (funciones). A su vez van a tener una serie de amigos que le van a ayudar con su misión (ejemplos dentro del mismo grupo).

Un ejemplo de superhéroes pordría ser el siguiente:


I´m Super Macaroni and I belong to the Cereals and Grains family. I´m made up of 2 magic potions: carbs and fibre. My superpower is to give you energy which come from my carbohydrates and my fibre really helps your digestive system. Some of my friends are SuperBread, SpaghettiMan and RiceMan.


I´m Super VitaPear Girl and I belong to the Fruit and Vegetables family. I´m made up of 3 magic potions: vitamins, minerals and fibre. My superpowers are to keep you healthy and to protect you from illness  which come from my vitamins and minerals and my fibre really helps your digestive system. Some of my friends are SuperCucumber, PeachBoy and SuperStrawberry Girl.


I´m Super SWORDFISH and I belong to the Meat and Fish family. I´m made up of 2 magic potions: proteins and iron. My superpowers are to repair your body and to build muscle and make you strong which come from my proteins. My iron helps you with your growth. Some of my friends are Super Lamb Chop,  Sardine Girl and Super Egg.


I´m Super YOGHURT and I belong to the Milk and Dairy family. I´m mainly made up of a magic potion: calcium. My superpower is to keep your bones and teeth healthySome of my friends are Super Cheese and MilkBoy. 


I´m Super OLIVE OIL and I belong to the Good Vegetable Oil family. I´m made up of a magic potion: goot fat. My main superpower is to give you energy when my friends "carbs" feel tired. I can help your brain and nervous system too! And protect you from the cold!
Some of my friends are Super AvocadoMan and Dried Fruit and Nuts Boy.


La actividad 2 de este apartado consiste en inventar y dibujar "el villano" de los alimentos. 
Un ejemplo podría ser: 


I´m the villainous LOLLIPOP and I belong to the Sugary Food family. I have got a lot of superpowers. Some of them cause: tooth decay, obesity, heart problems, diabetes...
Some of my friends are Chewing Gum Boy,CaramelGirl and the villainous Candy.


En la actividad 3 tienen que dibujar las peculiares casas-pirámides donde viven. Siguiendo las siguientes indicaciones deberán situar a cada familia de superhéroes y sus amigos en la planta donde viven.

All of these food groups live in a beautiful city called "BALANCED DIET TOWN". And they live in very peculiar pyramid houses. Carbs live on the first floor, Fruit and Vegetables families live on the second floor, Dairy Products and Meat and Fish live on the third floor (they are neighbours) and Sugary Foods and Bad Fats live on the top of the pyramid.

Activity: Draw them in their houses, putting them in their correct places.

En la actividad 4 se veremos cuántas veces más o menos es aconsejable que usen sus poderes en nuestro cuerpo por día (las veces o raciones que deberíamos comer por día de cada uno de los grupos alimentarios).

How many times can they use their powers a day?

- Cereal and Grains family: You should ask for their help at least six times a day.
- Fruit and Vegetable family:  You should ask for their help at least five or six times a day.
- Meat, Fish and Eggs family:  You should ask for their help about two times a day.
- Good Fats Family:  You should ask for their help at least two times a day (use in small amounts).
- Dairy family:  You should ask for their help about two times a day too.
- Sugary Food and Bad Fats family: You must stay clear of this family because they will cause you harm (only on party or school birthdays)

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